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February 2024 ArtsXchange Poetry Slam Recap

Theresa Davis

Dear Poetry Lovers,

I am thrilled to extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who joined us for the electrifying February XChange Open Mic and Poetry Slam! The Robeson Theater was pulsating with the rhythms of music and verse, creating an unforgettable night of artistic expression and community.

Hosted by the incomparable duo, Mista Funn and Theresa Davis, this event takes place on the second Friday of the month. The stage was graced by an array of talented individuals, each leaving their mark on our hearts and minds.

Our slam participants this month showcased immense talent and courage. A special shoutout to Zordo, Jill, Chev, Nikki Gray, Oloyo, Nathan, Madam, Edith, and Manly Pointer, with a tip of the hat to Shelby Birch, our sacrificial poet for the evening.

Theresa Davis and Madam
Theresa Davis and Madam

Amidst a sea of captivating performances, it was Madam who emerged victorious as the winner of this month's slam. Madam's fresh voice and captivating presence resonated deeply with both judges and audience members alike. (Theresa Davis and Madam)

But the magic didn't stop there. Our open mic segment was a whirlwind of emotion, with poets and musicians pouring their hearts out onto the stage. We were honored to welcome guests from as far as Connecticut and Kentucky, enriching our community with diverse perspectives and voices. (Steven Gavilanez and Hasan Davis)

Steven Gavilanez
Steven Gavilanez
Hasan Davis
Hasan Davis

The energy in the theater was palpable, with our audience fully engaged and our judges unwavering in their discernment. It was heartening to see the space nearly bursting at the seams with eager souls, hungry for the power of poetry and music. (Shelby Birch and Brother Zakee)

Shelby Birch
Shelby Birch

Brother Zakee
Brother Zakee

Looking ahead, we have an exciting event lined up for March. In celebration of Women's History Month, our next Open Mic and Poetry Slam will feature a special competition. The first twelve female-identified poets to sign up will have the chance to vie for a prize of $100. We invite you to join us on Friday, March 8th, at the ArtsXchange for what promises to be another unforgettable evening. (Mista Funn)

Feb 2024 XChange Open Mic and Poetry Slam
Feb 2024 XChange Open Mic and Poetry Slam

As always, we rely on the support of our community to make these events possible. Whether as judges or enthusiastic audience members, your presence and participation are invaluable.

Thank you once again for being part of our vibrant artistic community. Until we meet again under the glow of the stage lights, keep the words flowing and the spirit of creativity alive.

Warm regards,

Theresa Davis

Literary Director


Stay connected and up to date with all our upcoming Literary Events!

Don't miss the next Artsxchange Poetry Slam!

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