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Studio Artist Program

The ArtsXchange Studio Artist Program supports a diverse range of disciplines. Artists are provided with workspace as well as opportunities for dialogue, events and classes with the community.

Applications are currently CLOSED. All studios occupied.

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About the Program / Studios

The ArtsXchange Studio Artist Program supports a diverse range of disciplines. Artists are provided with workspace as well as opportunities for dialogue, events and classes with the community.

Studios are available in varying sizes ranging from 430 – 717 square feet. We rent to individual artists, artist collectives, and nonprofits.

The ArtsXchange features additional spaces that are available to tenants at reduced rental rates. The ArtsXchange is located in East Point on Newnan Street, just one block west of Main Street and walking distance from the Ft. McPherson Marta Station, and Tyler Perry Studios. The ArtsXchange main entrance and secured parking lot are located in the rear of the building.  

Additional features include:
-24-hour access
-Annual leases
-Discounted rental rates to have classes and workshop

How To Apply

Applications are currently CLOSED. All studios occupied.

Application Process

Interested artists, arts activist and healing arts practitioners are required to submit the following documents: 

1 - Artist Statement - Including complete contact information (No Post Office Box, Please), and what you will contribute to our artist community. 

2 - Resume or CV 

3 - Works Samples: Materials are welcome in all forms from paper to digital files; from snail mail to email

  • Collectives or non-profit organizations: Examples of recent program, publication, or events 

  • Performing Artist: Dance, music, theater - A DVD or links to online videos of recent performance 

  • Literary Artists: Three samples of writing or publication

  • Visual Artists: (10) images of recent work, with a brief narrative keyed to images

  • Instructors, Visual Art, Dance, Theater, Music, Martial Arts or others offering classes in arts and culture): Samples of classes to be offered and fees, brochures and/or flyers

4 - References: Three letters of support from professional references 


  • Artist must reside in Georgia for the duration of their lease.

  • Standard studio-practice safety procedures apply, including a no smoking policy.

  • The ArtsXchange does not promise an exhibition in our gallery or project spaces.

  • Artists are expected to have their studios open to the public approximately 3x per year.

  • Studio Artists are required to adhere to the policies and procedures listed in the lease. 


Email: Materials above to w/ Subject Line: RENTAL STUDIO CANDIDATE 

USPS: Or by snail mail to, ArtsXchange, 2148 Newnan Street East Point, GA 30344 

Submitted materials will be reviewed by a selection panel. 

Applicants will be notified within 30 days of submission date. Studios will be available for occupancy provided tenant signs lease and provides a rent deposit and first month’s rent.

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